National K9 Veterans Day is a time to honor and celebrate heroic dogs who serve in the military, with law enforcement agencies, and as first responders. Come out to meet and support these canine teams that serve in the communities throughout the Greater Los Angeles area. Learn about the training they go through, what it takes to become a canine handler, and how you can support your local canine teams serving in your community. There will be working dog demonstrations showcasing their capabilities, photo opportunities with the canine teams, and special appearances. This event is free to attend and fun for all ages! Please park in the lot adjacent to Battleship IOWA. Parking is free for the first hour, then $2.00 for every subsequent hour. 250 S. Harbor Blvd San Pedro, CA 90731 Note: Cruise ship traffic may reduce the number of spots available. If the lot is full, alternative parking locations include: Maritime Museum lot (6th & Harbor, paid) 5th & Mesa St. Harbor Blvd across from the ship Topaz Building (between 5th & 6th St, paid)
Saturday Mar 15, 2025
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM PDT
March 15, 2025 at 10:00 AM- 2:00 PM
250 S. Harbor Blvd San Pedro, CA 90731
Please visit our website to reserve your free tickets.
Mike Nguyen
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Printed courtesy of www.sanpedrochamber.com/ – Contact the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce for more information.
390 W. 7th Street , San Pedro, CA 90731 – (310) 832-7272 – info@sanpedrochamber.com