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  • 2024 San Pedro Chamber of Commerce Legislative & Policy Platform 

    The San Pedro Chamber of Commerce is a nonprofit 501 (c) (6) membership organization.  The mission of the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce is to promote, support, and advocate the interests of the business community. Our vision is to make San Pedro a better place to live, work, and visit.  We champion the business community's interests by advocating for and supporting their needs. Our mission is to create a business-friendly environment, with a vision to make San Pedro a top destination for living, working, and visiting.

    2024 Strategic Initiatives

    Development and Planning: Focus on strategic urban development and local planning to drive economic and community growth:

    • Waterfront Development: Prioritize development adjacent to the Port of Los Angeles, transforming it into a central hub for both economic and community growth.
    • Warner Grand Theatre Renovation: Support this project to revitalize a key cultural landmark to drive local economic activity and tourism.
    • Housing Supply and Workforce Housing: Advocate for the expansion of housing options, emphasizing their importance for balanced community growth and economic stability.
    • Pacific Avenue Development: Support initiatives for the development/improvement of Pacific Avenue, emphasizing its potential impact on local growth.
    • Economic Development and Infrastructure Financing: Advocate for the development of Jobs and Economic Development (JEDI) Zones in the City of Los Angeles and promote Enhanced Infrastructure Financing Districts (EIFDs) as vital tools for funding local infrastructure improvements, housing, and community amenities. 
    • San Pedro Business and Community Center (formerly known as the Croatian Cultural Center) Support the transfer of the property from the City of Los Angeles to the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce for the development of a business center and community asset.
    • Advocate for funding for first-class maintenance of medians and commercial corridors and support the creation and or funding of nonprofits for cleaning, maintenance, and beautification of entries and major commercial corridors. 

    Transportation and Infrastructure: Enhance sustainable transportation and infrastructure systems:

    • Energy Reliability: Advocate for a diversified, reliable, and sustainable energy supply, including electricity, green hydrogen, clean natural gas, wave, and emerging energy technologies.
    • Parking Solutions in San Pedro: Continue participation in the parking study for downtown San Pedro and support target parking solutions to meet business, special event and visitor demands.
    • Waterside Transportation: Support the development of waterside transportation options to improve waterfront connectivity.
    • Transportation Infrastructure: Focus on projects that enhance the transportation network, prioritizing efficiency and community accessibility.

    Business and Economic Development: Encourage business growth and economic development with a focus on innovation and competition:

    • New Cruise Terminal Development and Economic Impact:  Support the development of the new outer cruise terminal to significantly enhance tourism in San Pedro. Each cruise ship visiting Los Angeles contributes approximately $1 million to the local economy. This underscores the strategic importance of the cruise terminal in enhancing San Pedro's economic vitality and tourism appeal.
    • Streamlined Business Regulation: Advocate for simplified regulations to create a more conducive environment for business growth.
    • Taxation Policies: Focus on taxation strategies that support sustainable business development and growth.
    • Technology and Innovation: Support initiatives like AltaSea for technology-driven job diversification.
    • Competitive Ports: Emphasize the strategic importance of competitive ports in economic growth.
    • Workforce Development and Education:  Support initiatives to enhance training, workforce development and skilled labor programs to assist businesses meet future workforce needs.

    Equity and Inclusion:  Support diversity, equity, and inclusion for inclusive growth in our economy:

    • Resources: Develop and support programming and resources with an emphasis on women and minority owned businesses, nonprofits, and entrepreneurs to ensure opportunities for inclusive growth  in our economy.          
    • Community: Commit to diversity in membership, and the recruiting and electing members to the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and Chamber Committees to ensure representation of the community we serve.  

    Quality of Life and Public Safety: Improve community well-being, focusing on safety, health, and sustainability:

    • Homelessness and Health Services: Address homelessness, crime prevention, and mental health services, including mobile response and conservatorship.
    • Housing and Community Services: Collaborate for stable housing solutions and domestic violence resources.
    • Community Engagement: Involve Chamber members in homelessness prevention, vaccine distribution, recognizing non-profits' economic roles, and advocating for commercial facade improvements.

    2024 Policy Points

    • Aerospace: SPCC champions programs that leverage our region's dynamic aerospace industry to attract burgeoning aerospace companies.
    • Ballot Initiatives: SPCC endorses financially prudent ballot measures addressing critical issues while considering economic impacts.
    • Budgeting: SPCC advocates for transparent budgeting based on realistic forecasts aligned with long-term objectives.
    • Education: SPCC encourages educational programs and skilled labor training to meet San Pedro businesses' future workforce needs.
    • Energy: SPCC backs reliable, diverse, and affordable energy sources, including renewable energy and conservation.
    • Environmental Regulations: SPCC supports regulatory reforms balancing environmental considerations with development project feasibility.
    • Goods Movement: SPCC promotes projects enhancing our region's goods delivery efficiency, facilitating affordable imports and exports.
    • Healthcare: SPCC endorses a sustainable healthcare system focusing on cost containment and minimizing regulatory burdens.
    • Homelessness: SPCC advocates for substantial investment in housing and services to mitigate and prevent homelessness.
    • International Trade: SPCC encourages trade and tourism initiatives to boost commerce and reinforce our global economic standing.
    • Labor Costs: SPCC seeks a fair balance between fair employee treatment and sustainable business operations.
    • Land Use: SPCC favors a balanced approach to workforce housing, job creation, and protecting industrial zones, open spaces, and lifestyle quality.
    • Los Angeles Air Force Base: SPCC strongly supports retaining the LA Air Force Base in South Bay and its associated housing in San Pedro.
    • Litigation: SPCC advocates for reforms reducing frivolous lawsuits against employers and public agencies.
    • Pensions: SPCC supports solutions to reduce public tax liabilities on unfunded pension plans, promoting fiscal stability.
    • Taxation: SPCC champions lower business taxes and a competitive tax/fee structure for San Pedro businesses.
    • Transportation: SPCC backs innovative funding solutions for enhanced mobility on regional roadways and the transportation system.
    • Waste Management: SPCC supports fair waste management policies ensuring minimal impact on beaches and businesses.
    • Water: SPCC endorses a comprehensive, equitable state water plan encompassing conservation, new supply, and sustainable ocean water policies.


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